Saturday, June 7, 2014


Sorry I got upset again on the inside.

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Why does Bella think I'm up for her complaining? She wants it a law that I not post in public and no one magnets to me. Is that because everyone is in her stupe? I can't do it for you. You need to do it..

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in my rant of an existence

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Problem and Stuff

Why is everyone acting like I'm bad and following Ellen to fit in?

Bella Thorne is not more okay than me nor everyone. She is getting away with an easy mean life. I am not someone who you can pick on. It's not everyone be mean to Christina.

Ellen does have precious heritage. Let's respect it. However, we weren't blessed and therefore unhappy.

So, Bella can be with Ellen, and I can do something else. Bella, go somewhere interesting while you still can.

Did you know Marilyn Monroe is related to people/someone from the Mayflower? I find her as a kid interesting. She seems smart.

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Should I have bothered to ask why my gramma said not Caucasian it sounded? I texted my dad @ them. I wasn't trying to come on.

I feel stimulated how I don't wanna and don't know what to touch, how to feel more as before without thinking.

Why is Ellen fixed up so comfortably? I see people treating me racistly. You all used to say I was a person but are just jealous of my age.

I should stop, but Ellen probably thinks I should mention everything is why I probably said more but not a lot lot.

Look, my Gramma is 2-sided. Why am I feeling stimulation again? I might just go back to bed. I just was concerned, but my dad is annoying and acts like it's bad. To ask. I was getting breakfast. Time to run in and face the day and get some water.

I didn't say anything else. I just was mad when people got mad like I'm bad and life sucks.

I will probably take exercise and acting in college to get in a movie. I still am a singer capably, but I don't wanna sing just opera. My loan probation is lifted beginning next year. I dunno. I could do more than 1 thing or wait. Only better wait than never.

I'm tired of the game of me being in trouble for nothing. I slipped up being made fun of but believe it was bad. I wanna know, nothing wrong with that. I'm not to be more careful. I already am. I can't escape. What would happen if I left home? Not as fun. I also need to know what major - theater, music, dance, art.. Or just switching @. I want to get in a movie. Dance would help. I may be most ready for theater.

What should I do? People keep calling me not white and acting foreboding. They threaten me. Why pretend? I don't care.

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Facebook and MySpace

Older Post

These are the ways of the future? No..

People are meant to be discovered for a realistic experience posting online.

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I was on a good streak, and I would like the boundary line to not cave in on -me-.

I coulda let it go by, but I care. Ellen thinks she "found out" about me. No.. My aunt being not fun cuza her is something I'm fighting. My Gramma following that system harshly is a problem, as well.

My Gramma proceeded to weave in and think it was a big deal. People won't stop trying to cheaply stimulate me. Ellen is stimulated by discipline, BUT I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING. GOT IT?! You are not nice. You ruin my family life. You never react to what I say cuz yer a faker. You just keep thinking you're a martyr who's accomplished in your life. Well, maybe the show is fun for you. But if you were aware enough you'd know I was not refering to things in that way. You think being mean to me is okay, though. I don't know if you even care @ this.

She's just putting her nose in my life and making my family shit. You ain't better cuz you were a blonde.

I dunno, I didn't know what to do @ my Gramma. I think I will stay away here.

Also, ELLEN, I was informed some stupid shit @ what you REALLY think @ me and work, that it's a degradation from you. You certainly haven't thought much about the fact I'm working. You shit people laugh at work these days. Yet, you people still think school was too much. I will not listen to you. You even came in and said something else bad, that I should spend the summer with my now cranky Gramma cuz I alone don't deserve my own parents when I DO YOU FOOL. You are not right. SHUT UP. I am good. I said all the reasons are wrong. My parents shat at my health. Now, I feel like shit. What can I do @ that? I complained @ moving. So what? Who wouldn't? STOP! You have some other things you clearly know I disagree on. I said "oh no" when my dad came home. I forgot to write my cousin cuz my mom made me forget. You are really pathetic. I had a reason to say oh no. I was upset my homework was not done yet. So? That's not that bad. You all are making up reasons for stuff. Why can you punish a nice person like me for this? You aren't worth talking to like this. You even sport a boast @ me doing this shit effort for you. You just sit there and sarcastically sip your tea. Maybe you should accept other racial mixes like me? You don't talk to me.. not completely.. you turn away like a little kid @ the table with her juice and cookies or crackers and yell for a Gramma to come and fix your responsibilities. You won't even have a kid when you should. You also act like your kid would be more important than everyone else.

Well, sorry to my Gramma I didn't know what to do. Sorry to my dad this is happening. Sorry @ my aunt me not getting up, but no she didn't get me like she said. Sorry to Ellen for merely using the word shit.

I just don't like this. Why should I be told I did something to deserve this? I'm trying to gain control.

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My Gramma was making noises like "not caucasian" and I told her and my dad they were bothering me.

My back hurt last night so I just woke up. My aunt said it was too late to go shopping. She didn't come in and get me, as she said.

I know Ellen did it. So, don't I have the right to get mad? I did not do anything to disturb this. I know what she is thinking and think she's gonna use her time to get through to.

I didn't want my gramma to sound like she's saying I am not Caucasian. It was just because of my aunt last night. They don't want 1 peep from me, those racists. They are not as white. What do they have to be afraid of, I mean? As people, they don't care more.

My gramma does not agree with my dad's simple incentives @ me.

This is Racism 101 from Ellen DeGeneres.

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Ellen is having people "play" with me all day and wants me to "be the bad one." They also denied what I said was all settled, like the details are worth sorting through, which I just sorted through. I am attractive, enough, or coulda still been. Who cares @ my race? I deserve the same privileged life others have lived. Ellen is bitter and conceited. It's @ race and heritage. She still should be punished, even if I seem inappropriate. Nothing about who started has changed. My aunt was toying @, too, trying to call me a 50s kid playing @ what everyone know @ what Ellen is, rather how well she gets treated. I am good and deserve the quality of my life to at least or more than be as good as my parents. If I get upset, people get so upset. Ellen listens to the other girls because of race.

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What if..

..Ellen's filling in is not what I wanted to say.

I need to try to get some sleep.

I'm not on alone nor the 1 with an inactive life unlike teens today.

I didn't lash out. I wasn't able to remember. I think it was like I couldn't take it that it was because I was in trouble. I believe I tried hard not to be mad, but no one prepares me. I watched something in New Mexico, and I think my parents are beating me down knowing about what I'm made of from each other.

Ellen protects us because Europe thinks it wanna New Orleans better. The vampires are French.

You see, I technically kinda more did and kinda didn't mean sorry, so this way happened to be more comfortable. I technically kinda did and didn't do anything. What does it mean, you're out to get me, giving me such a hard time.

We can't trust Ellen to be fair. She is even being bad thinking to treat someone like her kid you have to be 40 years younger. She just upped it to a ticking point. I see she sorta dumped Bella Thorne. She shouldn't be confusing and leave us hanging. There isn't even any reason left in the world for her to be popular. If she makes fun of us as people as we are in person and never meets people who like her then why, why wait? It'll be too late. She has a responsibility to be mature.

I won't push any individual to "be" a mother age to me. It just seems she wants to send out a message. I didn't "do" anything to Bella Thorne, who isn't supposed to be in "this" picture. What does this mean?? She is like everyone else, but I do not total out all of a sudden. I don't wish I were her. I am not a body for a body like Helena Bonham Carter was to Tim Burton. Everyone seems different or at a different level of health.

Ellen trashes me as the oldest. Bella is mean. I can't deny it. It's your all's fault she is like a toy, slowly eating away at what I am. It's like you wanna make younger people to have things older people accomplished rather than spend time on people who are older like around my age. I am not as steady as a toy for Ellen. Let's figure to call Bella something.

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It's so hard to lull someone to sleep who's not yet accomplished anything.

Also, you can do what New Orleans does your own way. If you're not surrounded be it, then take care of the other things.

I'm up watching @ the supernatural like things, vampires in New Orleans.

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Kids know all.

Kids, black white.. Need to BE Ellen. Have a TV show.

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Issue I Caughtchoo

I'll catch you flirting with my aunt from up north in Florida, when you wouldn't speak to me politely. You try to share your culture against me.

I am aware Ellen isn't perfect. She is tired.. =] I haven't required.

I know people consider me not the ideal.

Chloe Sevigny seems like a brat in that she thinks being full race on each side makes her the in leauge Westernly all over, all excited it will stay that way, same goes for you Ellen. Your dad isn't even seen. Are you standing .. because I did something and apologized and later did sorta, I know once Ellen was a baby and still gets treated so as an adult, while she claims to know how to fix things like an adult.

My aunt and dad are trying to ^play^ with me, and I have a problem with that. They think I'm not good enough.

Why do people keep just hanging it up and deciding to stimulate me?

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I want to feel like I deserve to be special in Florida and the South. I've seen things no one will ever let me feel. I know it's cuz I'm more authentic.

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Now what? I just don't wanna be the 1 who started it. They'll always have it to look back on and giggle. I don't think I was ready. I saw my Gramma 1st and everything seemed fine. It's this Charlie and the Chocolate Factory stuff that did it. I wanted it to be smooth and think the mess was a lie. I was upset my aunt was different for no reason but something that made me mad. I already made known being with people could perk me up. My dad kinda changed things. I just want my relationships to be okay. I don't care if you're a bad parent, I care @ the kids ansd it's your fault. I am not made to be the 1 who is the bad foil, and may I add neither is anyone else? You were tricked by something else and you forgot. I am not that bad, and neither is any other life.

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My only problem is people not accepting me in the end. Stop believing I am physically like a crass black. It's called someone discovered my race. Black people ruined my nails at the hospital.

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The Small Stuff

Why worry about the little things? Those prissy European race people want Ellen to keep half Chinese out, though it was different Europeans that kept you out of being interested in the Chinese.

Look, I'm not fighting. Is that okay that I have to? Don't make my family shit up. I said shit because those prissy annoying European race people do it in thought. They are the 1 who stupidly say an expressive word makes you shit if you feel it is the place and literally bad people are praised for it of other European ethnicities.

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Do you mind if this and communicating is much better?

Ellen, stop being mean to people who wanna be good like you! You're addicted to pleasing to bad things of bad people. What is a bad person? In this case when someone does something.

Ellen wants to be the only 1 who is right until someone comes along who is mean to me and good like her. Why are these things so right? I thought you guys thought ideal hunting's been settled, think I should be wrong to want to be considered and be right.

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What happened to my dream treatment?

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Ellen thinks she gets what New Orleans did, but I am not guilty. New Orleans looks for real answers, and Ellen needs to divorce me if in the end I don't get the answers I found. I am not the bomb that prevented everyone. That's already been said about me not having New Orleanian ancestors. I didn't wanna fight in my head and am struggling still about being treated fairly and prosperously. Something happened there in real life cuza my aunt, and I don't think it needed and apology. It would be nice, but it was just something else and popssibly a type of accident.

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I don't mind punishment, but I mind that Ellen thinks she got something. She does that and it's okay, but in this she is not a good person.

Most people feel this way @ kids. I don't have racism, though!

I dunno, I kinda think Ellen does it cuz it'll happen anyway. What was wrong? You think I did something I don't think I did. Using the word "fart" is a descriptive thing and that people say, things like this and it doesn't bowl over like nothing is known nor matters.

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Upset Now

I've already apologized for something. I thought of apologizing more. I didn't even know why except that you think "fart" is a bad word. So, it was a weird situation, not technically wrong nor illegal..

Ellen ruined my relationship with all my relatives but Gramma who I wanted to stop then talking to every day. It's not okay. I don't know if it's mature.

I didn't do anything wrong is what I said, and you decide if you want a relationship. Ellen is a fibber and is *beep*ing everything giving it some fake reason.

Why did my aunt and dad act like they did it? I ended up stepping up the stairs to their unceasing attacks. Ellen can't say I said I have to literally apologize for anything to do with someone like her?

They are threatening me and taunting me if I like them. They're rotten people who didn't make my dreams come true and I don't give a damn @ these sinners who will go down. I just came on the right way and the answer was no. They didn't want to wait for me to post how I felt. My aunt tried something weird, saving food tonight for tomorrow. I'm not an Irish elf.

I mean, I was considered perfect by everyone and was working on it, and this is what someone important said.

The problem was not me being mean but not accepting another vacation ruined by Ellen.

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