Saturday, June 14, 2014


I'm doing a Wen treatment on my hair.


I have to give my throat a rest.


may or may not post

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I don't appreciate people suggesting things to me like I'm worth nothing cuz I did something online that was illegal..


Ellen can't sit on it long enough to believe I did anything wrong.  I was just upset, and you post anything on your blog unless it's illegal.

If I did, you should still not be so rude.


Why is Sarah Brightman not allowed to be nice to me?  I just want to destroy everything in site.  I think you're wrong, got that settled.

STOP = I don't know exactly what to say nor do I want to say it.

I feel hurt.  You all are not nice like before with Tim Burton.  Is this for him and Nell?


It's interesting to follow Bella..
I won't take this infusing people in my relationships and taking what I do with more the 1 person too seriously.

So, what's the point? Ellen just got mad or people trying to please my being good-for-nothing in this dad. I've already been grouped, and I feel no one likes me. I said to call it off. I'm not telling you in what way I mean, I see. Also, Ellen is weird. I wouldn't tell someone I like not to talk to me. Thinking of why is different. I guess it's because people are attractive.

You know, Bella is being treated like the delicate princess. It's interesting ot know. I don't like her bossiness..

I contacted an agency

to direct me in my wish


for MY grand finale
If my aunt thinks my dad's crazy, why do I have to put up with all of him?

I know..

..none of you have to go through the method of all the details of why you've done what you've done.  If you didn't, then kindly remove yourself from my life.


Why?  I don't feel I can feel anything but from myself.

Not the Mama


So, go ahead, fun and find..

If my dad said what he was thinking..

..he'd be in jail..

I don't.

Can't you Goddamn niggers ever move on cuz I don't give a shit @ you.

In the Car

I sang like all 60 karaoke songs I remembered the words to.


Bella was not abused cuz she wasn't a Buton fan, so-to-speak.

New Pictures of Me


Was being nasty, don't mean anything against anyone.

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I wanna make a CD and tour steada Disney.

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Why is everyone on about Bella Thorne. For some reason, it's critically onto me. Why follow my reaction? Stop threatening me! D:' You're just giving me more to type. Actually, the people around me don't like it.

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I'm so sorry and got race-ly upset this morning. I'll try turning off.

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Don't fight over who does what, figure it out.

Sorry I was so mad.. I just felt like hitting. Like, sorry to burst my bubble. Got too violent. There there. Sorry for using a name. It isn't right to hurt me, tho. I do feel framed.

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Going Thru Things

Starting to like me less? Sorry I was irrational. Worthless is an important vocabulary word. I was being force m*****ed to not feel outsidea my family. Quit trading what I earned for BELLA. It's pretty bad here. This hurts and is such shit! I am tired of fighting. I don't know if someone decided to pattern and call me or if I had a multicultural baby a nigger. You getting antsy caused all these problems. If I didn't earn anything, why wouldn't I be treated like Bella Thorne? Too many people just shit to a kid? Bella is mean to take from me. STOP BEING BEMUSED and stop threatening me @ caring @ you after death! Bella didn't uncover this. You think I was untalented. Why is it suddenly too late and everyone else is as good? Some people are bothering me. If I was in high school, I'd still mean something. Maybe, the medicine is making me die. @ me wanting to hurt people, it's dangerous and I'm pushed to feeling and not changing from being shit. Some people are really upset with me.. woo hoo. I'm tired @ your shit @ my family. I mean the problems they have. They won't stop being dumb. Sending me dumb messages. Oh well. Does it bother you?

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You all listen to my dad or call me things I could sue you for.

You can't keep watching me closely. Some things you do my parents don't!

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You all listen to my dad or call me things I could sue you for.

You can't keep watching me closely. Some things you do my parents don't!

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You are trying to kill me for something Ellen doesn't like. I will make fun of this big program.

People keep telling me I should not be who I am to this day for things like Bella. I just felt upset by some people, sayd (sad.)

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You all listen to my dad or call me things I could sue you for.

You can't keep watching me closely. Some things you do my parents don't!

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Bella can't get everything. It's mine!

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You all listen to my dad or call me things I could sue you for.

You can't keep watching me closely. Some things you do my parents don't!

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My Freedom

My gramma would get at me if I posted @ her being mean. Ya'll are goddamn picky @ any little thing in the past. You are irrational.

Now, I don't but seem to have to beg for any attention.

Stop acting like I did something! You are getting in my personal life, again. I didn't do anything. I don't even care @ you! Sound familiar?? I am not satisfied. Stop it! Shut up! Stop irritating me to wanna k*** you now.

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I feel upset.

No one cares @ me. When did you think this turn of events is okay. Someone is being really stupid. I feel like I'm being r***ed. Like I can't feel outside-a my family. I don't love them. I dunno, they are shit. I don't mean my little brother so much. I hear an annoying noise. Someone has found me. What are my parents? An excuse not to talk to me? Hm, well, I feel they are that mean collectively. I'm supposed to not say that, but people keep saying everything I do is for Bella and taking away from me other relationships. Nothing weird happened. I thought I was already accepted. My Gramma was mean. I need to stay away from others. If I get the Disney job holiday dancing, I can live alone in a special place for Disney cast members. I don't wanna be played with. Nothing is for me. I wanna meet people. But I'm stuck with my parents at 28. I feel m*****ed. If Bella gets everything, why not take it away like with me? I earned that, and it is taken from me. It's easy to do what you are supposed to. Stop bugging me about something special you give to anyone for age. I don't want to be made guilty. This is unfair. Shut up! I didn't do anything. Shut up! Stop it!!! You are nothing. I can't sleep! Just shut up stupid! This is a crime!

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I thought we coulda had something going. Forget @ my dad and gramma.

How am I supposed to feel good? What is your problem? You are so not worth it. I said you did something. Not saying anyone in particular. :I What? I demand you to stop it. I don't know how to stop this.

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Thanks a Lot

I don't know what mattered to you, but how dare you frame me into not meeting people. They are meeting other people.

I want this to stop.

You want me to think I don't have a personality. You want me to think I'm bad for no reason! What effort do I seem to lack? Is this the cry of ethnicity-race? Stop lying that I wanna be Asian. No, I do not disrespect them.

My dad is the 1 who is disrespectful and not me. I don't have anything, and I deserve to have succeeded. My life is leaving, slipping away from my hands.

Why won't anyone just talk to me? How do I get to know these people?

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Maybe, I should not be afraid of if I'm up late.

So, what is the answer to people unhappy if someone attractive gives me attention? Did it touch a nerve? Come on. You don't really harass everyone like this. I'm not up @ equality of distribution. It isn't the same issue. Not everyone can know a few people personally. With that factor comes time, and it ain't a lifetime for anyone. Also, posting publicly, anyone should look. Don't sit there and try to complain @ these things to me.

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for if I've been rude.. ): ..

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Mas Problemas Mucho Grande

Ellen DeGeneres seems to have a reverberating effect I wish not to worry @. She acts like she needs some things kept to herself. Like attention. That's a lesson for talking to her. I don't like how my chance with her was thrown away with Tim Burton. This is far from amazing. I don't wanna die like this. I deserve to be famous over Burton. I'm sorry Ellen you can't admit when you were wrong and Mama knows it and it affects the world if you think what I do matters so much.

Maybe, she should branch out and somehow reach more people personally. We like her like Portia.

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Then Problems

Why is my dad so schizophrenic and wants to hurt me emotionally?

See, I am nice. They just want me to feel belittled cuza race. Funny how they trigger to someone like me who doesn't make any problems. Leave me alone if you aim to bug me like this and go coocoo if I talk @ something.

I won't stop being bugged.

This is a worthy topic, but I was trying to avoid talking @ it. Someone younger does not deserve more than older kids. You're disillusioned.

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Spinning round and round in a festival with a bemused look.

Tim Burton not doing Alice 2. Art does not simply appear nor come to you.. "1% inspiration 99% persperation."

Why do adults idealize older children being infatuated by the youngest? They were supposed to do something.. Something happened that seemed big, but it became a topic outside of that math. I don't care what they want to see. They can't do that to someone younger they don't really love..

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You're not listenin' to all I say. (Shoop Shoop Song)

We didn't even have class bells.

I think I just crackedm

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I was so sad..

I said forget the barbie and coke if I'm too old to have ***y parents.

I am upset in the head.

No one will ever get around to playing with me. I am never made the center of attention.

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for letting my thoughts run free. I changed it immediately. I am a little upset in the head.

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New Orleans may be good, but if you cannot be New Orleanian do not have to feel it's better.

Can you be mad, emotional, and concerned at the same time?

Everyone knows I deserve something good to happen. I shoulda known you'd drop your pants.

Might think being from Jax, it was sweet to be there, but it's work and organization and responsibility.

Harmony: That's where it is!

So why is it a pain to give me affection but not those 10 years younger?

You want your kids not to be you but your kids.

Am I too old to appreciate classical singing?

Why are cool people obsessed that weird things are wrong?

So, Sarah Brightman makes you feel awake?

Why do Southerners hate people with Northern blood?

I want to sing The Prayer and Time to Say Goodbye with Andrea Bocelli. I was watching Time to Say Goodbye on YouTube.

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New Orleans may be good, but if you cannot be New Orleanian do not have to feel it's better.

Can you be mad, emotional, and concerned at the same time?

Everyone knows I deserve something good to happen. I shoulda known you'd drop your pants.

Might think being from Jax, it was sweet to be there, but it's work and organization and responsibility.

Harmony: That's where it is!

So why is it a pain to give me affection but not those 10 years younger?

You want your kids not to be you but your kids.

Am I too old to appreciate classical singing?

Why are cool people obsessed that weird things are wrong?

So, Sarah Brightman makes you feel awake?

Why do Southerners hate people with Northern blood?

I want to sing The Prayer and Time to Say Goodbye with Andrea Bocelli. I was watching Time to Say Goodbye on YouTube.

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