Friday, June 6, 2014

I got it!

I don't care @ Ellen. She keeps hacking into my private life and acting corny like I did something wrong. She ruined my aunt and made her start an internal fight that I did something cuz Ellen is guilty and wants to ^stay safe^. I can't even talk. It ruined my experience for me. My dad is simple-minded. He "won't do it" that he proves people from the hippie era turn people on. I will not listen to any of you that I have a pattern of bad behavior and listen to your bad news. But! Ellen won't listen. Who cares, anyway? You wanna trick me into something else? You think being happy means you're okay?

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may or may not post

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The end of the 1st paragraph is different.


In Before the Shitstorm

If Ellen is plaqued as the sole caregiver of the world, that means that the shy people she supports arent't to be a replacement to her.  I mean, there could be lots of successors.  It reminds me of the success Pixar enjoyed.  It's funny coincidentially that Tim Burton has fame like Pixar.  He doesn't bother an interest in Pixar.  He didn't even sport the tiem to watch TDK.  It plaques me that there is an incentive for people to be with the 2 famous people I mentioned.  I mean like actual examples or rather new things to do.  They are incredibly a target for me.  I feel grown up now, but I like studying the success these people get for doing nothing.

Coincidences: the 2 families

Both people Ellen uses and rubs in as above supposedly had kind to me parents that think one of their daughters has to be better than everyone else.  They have glaringly someone to at least give testimonials to that fact.  They looked like it was another world.  AT least 1 has a big racial issue for some reason, maybe racism.

It is similar how Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter are with their young daughter Nell.  Lily Rose Deoo parenst thinm it's natural cuz they are both performers, but what of the son?

These girls all had younger dads and more natural moms.