Saturday, June 7, 2014


Should I have bothered to ask why my gramma said not Caucasian it sounded? I texted my dad @ them. I wasn't trying to come on.

I feel stimulated how I don't wanna and don't know what to touch, how to feel more as before without thinking.

Why is Ellen fixed up so comfortably? I see people treating me racistly. You all used to say I was a person but are just jealous of my age.

I should stop, but Ellen probably thinks I should mention everything is why I probably said more but not a lot lot.

Look, my Gramma is 2-sided. Why am I feeling stimulation again? I might just go back to bed. I just was concerned, but my dad is annoying and acts like it's bad. To ask. I was getting breakfast. Time to run in and face the day and get some water.

I didn't say anything else. I just was mad when people got mad like I'm bad and life sucks.

I will probably take exercise and acting in college to get in a movie. I still am a singer capably, but I don't wanna sing just opera. My loan probation is lifted beginning next year. I dunno. I could do more than 1 thing or wait. Only better wait than never.

I'm tired of the game of me being in trouble for nothing. I slipped up being made fun of but believe it was bad. I wanna know, nothing wrong with that. I'm not to be more careful. I already am. I can't escape. What would happen if I left home? Not as fun. I also need to know what major - theater, music, dance, art.. Or just switching @. I want to get in a movie. Dance would help. I may be most ready for theater.

What should I do? People keep calling me not white and acting foreboding. They threaten me. Why pretend? I don't care.

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