Sunday, June 1, 2014

New Videos From Disney World FL

TV Forum


With Ellen coming and going comes work, and with that comes a need to rest, I guess. The reward is reaped in. A new spot for my resume, is like a fish turning into a filet. Dilly dallying under the sun watching time go by, is like on my sandwich appearing a fly.

Made a Move

Ellen and her baby Bella.


New Category - Issues - Fetishes


If you have something to say, like with everyone else, you say something that makes sense calmly outloud|in writing and expect an answer.
Shower Time!


may or may not post

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What I'm Spending

stuff I needed @ Wal-Mart + more later
ProActive - coming in several days
getting NutriBullet online, buy 1 get 1 free now

What Makes You Happy

is letting teens do what we are not supposed to do
cuz I'm -

Easy Street

Ellen wants to say her fat makes her who she is, and then when that's it that's it she's happy in LA.  Then, she comes on as a grump as on time and in the end you're also just shit to her and she didn't really accomplish anything, just getting the hype up of people who have no chance of understanding her ever.


New Page - Very Good Advice

Some pregant couple..

..sat behind us @ the parade after someone escorted a colored family where I was trying to get my mom to sit who was talking @ me in the bathroom.  I kept talking and think this non-American lost her wits @ her pregnant 2nd child.  It was so pathetic to see, so kinda cute.  I am sending my prayers out that her baby is okay.  The dad seemed protective and so did someone working there.  Unfortunately, on top of a snooty intro., I was mad Ellen and people would say I'm stupid to think Ellen didn't do it.


Someone in the kitchen is trying to daze me out calling me a nigger.  Also, I was encouraged to post about these problems, but it's lame.


Ellen has nothing to say about calling me not white, what about her?  I mean everyone else.  White people.

IMDb - The Soapbox

The eentsy weency iWorm went up the toilet spout,
Down came the pee and washed the iWorm down,
Up came the asshole and the pee went down the drain,
And the eentsy weency iWorm went down the spout, again!


Let's all appreciate Andrew Lloyd Webber by not singing copyrighted songs online.

Angry Spells

I need to be better.

Well, I'd figured things I didn't like so much.


I'm getting the double NutriBullet kit and already ordered ProActive, be here this or early next week.

We still have the watermelon and cantelopes and berries from Costco.

Shipping and processing is $20 for NutriBullet.


You all are unworthy of speaking to me.

What's that Sarah Brightman up to now?  So what if I said Andrew Lloyd Webber was dishing me out as trash?  Not I him.  GET YER FACTS STRAIGHT.


Look at this worthless post by Chloe Moretz.
I know what it really says.


My mom gave a sign and now 1 side feels lose and goose.


Why not Ellen DeGeneres stimulate herself?




I've been telling people what's wrong and it's not changing!  Get Ellen!


They are stimulating me!




I'm being made fun of for finding about the NutriBullet and sometimes not or things @ TV cuz we're canceling channels.

They are trying to stimulate a part I don't want.


Someone does something to me, I get upset, they do it again!  They won't leave me alone.

Saving It

I can save some of it while it's being washed if it isn't too complicated.


We just got a NutriBullet, but I didn't realize the online offer of 2 I could wash 1 and use the other.. I have it now, though, and for less money.

Mobile Soon

may or may not post

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If people put such emphasis on curse words that come to mind and me hitting things, it makes me lose control more.  Like, I'll "close the door a little harder."  I wanted to talk on hope line, but it takes awhile to check back and wait.


I'm so mad.  People are coughing like I'm Asian but didn't before Tim Burton.


These people think they have a right to talk to me.  They are messing with how I feel.

Making Fun of Me

I just was posting online..  She slips in racism.  What do you think?  I'm not a vampire.  I don't bite.


Ellen is making me feel stimulated all day like some reject. She needs to be punished.


I think Ellen was mad I avoided us losing some TV channels and our phone.  She wants me in a stupor over other people getting attention over me.

I guess

We can't trust Ellen.  I mean having charge over anything.  She's too irritating and can't deal with people, like our parents.


I'm getting attention for this issue on IMDb, but the issue is that it won't stop.


I'm #2 in line on the Hope Line.

Gonna discuss people getting mad at me for hitting things so annoyingly.


I was Ellen-attacked again.  Another person is acting weird around me on Twitter.  It made me very mad.  What can I do?  Hit something?


I'm not dying it, I guess.  It woulda been bleaching it, not just adding a few highlights.


I'm hoping

that finger continues to work.

My Finger

It wouldn't stop bleeding. Don't get a hernia over being angry at me.  I was punching my table and stuff and being rough in the kitchen getting some breakfast.


My dad gave a message like I was bad these noises are forever, but that's a crime!!

I'm bleeding again.


Why am I getting messages of Ellen DeGeneres being all stuck up and tacky like I have to listen to these noises in my room and what she says that makes no sense.  She babbled at 17-year-old Bella Thorne as a punishment to me for all the cursing I did mainly at or anout the noises.  I said it bothered me.  I got the message this person won't stop the noises if I had a baby.  Ellen is acting like she found something and is sticking to it, but this is not a joke.  You can't just kill me for something you don't like about me.


There were lotta cute kids @ Disney, today.


So, should Chloe Sevigny be up with her bf Vincent?  I guess she can make decisions herself?  I gave my 2 cents.  I bet he'd be mad at me if I said they were just friends.  I mean, really, he's a good guy for her, though maybe it'd be nice to see her with other friends but spend time with her baby.