Thursday, June 5, 2014


spyhey :))
christinaso wut up
spynot much. I just wanted a chat room so we can post anything we want including any links
christinahow's life
spyok.. a little tired. bored. etc You?
christinai'm going 2 disney 2moro
spywow nice :)) congrats.
spyhaven't been there in ages
christinai am gonna audition to be in a holiday performance group there - there's nowhere to dance in orlando..
spyahh sounds fun
christinaso i'm jogging each day or each other day.. and getting a nutribullet hopefully this coming week..
christina..i just joined the spca and i am gonna volunteer for 3 hours at the clinic desk - seems like a good opportunity.. most shifts are 3 hours, mine is 4
christinai'm all alone, though..
spyall alone?
christinayes, the regular greeters can host 4 volunteers
christinaeventually i will have some form of work for money
christinathe audition is the next 2 fridays
christinaare you older than me
christinayou don't have to tell..
christinawhat's your personality like, important question
spymy personality?
christinayea.. like jock, ..
spyi like to read
christinai used to, but now i need more exercise but like self-help books..
christinai dunno bout me
christinai'm not in school
christinai never had a personality
christinai know all about them
spyyou seem pretty happy
spyeasy going
spyi'm like that
christina2 bad we're not in person now
spyso have you used this before?
christinai always wanted to im people
spyahh ok
christinaif we were in person we could go to disney
spyI've never really used this before either
christinai know we should save the conversation!
spyhmm dunno how
christinaLet's try me typing in caps and with periods and see how you feel about my real personality on IM.
christinaI still ROFLMFAO.
christinaOops, I dunno, is that bad to say?
christinaWhat about: IROTFLMMFAO.
spythat's ok
spynothing bothers me
spythat's the whole point of this chat room. no censorship
christinaWhat else.. "I like 2 talk 2 2 many people 2 get friendly."
christinaHa ha. Yea, no censorship by auto pilot.. That really bites me.
christinaAny authority I defy and deny and reply and rectify.
spyyou're hetero right?
christinaTechnically. I kind of support it.
christinaI'm open to being close outside of marriage.
christinaI had a full life.
spytechnically? are you bi?
christinaWell, if some teen comes up to me online who's gay, I accept it.
spyhmm ok
spyi'm just confused by everyone's sexual orientation in the soapbox
christinaI guess I like it better if a female is mushy.. but not all
christinaOh, good idea.
christinaIf I'm gay, I don't wanna be..
christinaIt's like Schwarzald Legion said.. his schizophrenia is just there.
spyhe's schizo?
christinaI take meds for it.
christinaI don't have it, they said before, though.
spyi sort of suffered mild schizo earlier in life
spybut i have been getting better
christinaDid you know that my dad said I was called retarded when I was gifted?
christinaI remember in kindergarten, I heard the words but just didn't know what was going on. I think I felt dumb cuz my mom made me ugly as a punishment, maybe thinks I'm more my dad's kid.
christinaI didn't make gifted my 1st year of high school, the 2nd.
christinaAnd I was valedictorian in junior high.. not a big deal.
spyYou seem much more lucid here
christinaIf a kid does bad in school does not mean they are schizo. Oh, thanks!
christinaYou seem like an old friend.
christinaAre you allowed to tell how old your parents are?
spymy parents are old. i'm in my early 40's
christinaMy dad is born in 1950.
christinaI'm 28, just had a birthday. I don't feel 30. I just feel like I'm not a fair maiden of 20.
spyyah i remember that
spyturning 30
spyno big deal
spyyou're still very young
christinaYea. I still wanna be a performer. Been wanting and doing it.
christinaKicked outta college.
christinaDid you think a lotta young people are oblivious and bad.. yea?
spywhat do you think of apolyptic?
christinai like him
christinaBecause he is cute, but I think that he is getting himself into trouble.
christinaI should talk to him.
spyi think i know who he is a sock of
spybut he's kind of a psychopath
spyno who is that
christinaA black guy who posts a lot.
spyno it's not him i don't think
christinaI know Drew probably socks a lot.
christinaI don't even know his official account.
christinaHe dumped me and made me feel bad.
spyeh? you two were together?
christinaHe wanted to be but then wouldn't talk to me. I was mad like when he posted a panda, silly, but I got pretty mad, when he wouldn't talk right then.
christinaI think he used me, like Ellen DeGeneres.
christinaAttractive, nice people think I'm *beep*.
christinaMy parents *beep* me up.
christinaSometimes, I'm silent.
christinaSometimes, I have something important to say..
christinaI dunno, cuz their race and I wanna be with people they supposedly aren't accepted by.
christinaPeople want ^never a dull moment^.
christinaYea, but sometimes I guess I turn schizo and think that's trash.
christinaWhat can I say? I want their status.
spywhat do you mean?
spyi used to be popular
spybut i never cared for it
christinaAre you still as skinny as you were before?
spypretty much
christinaI was pretty efficient.
christinaI 1st called myself here Miss-Fastidious.
christinaOn Tim Burton's board I was called Fastidiot.
christinaI was 22.
christinaHis mistakes have affected me.
christinaLike, he wants to be racist to be safe.
christinaWhy dump me for saying so?
christinaIs that what he wants?
spyI don't understand what you're saying
christinaEllen is the same.. I think Ellen DeGeneres is racist. Would you rather me not talk about something I just said?
christinaLike the racism, cuz it's touchy?
christinaI thought most people found it a peak interest.
christinaA special topic;
spywell, I just don't follow them very much
spyi'm gonna log off this chat for now
christinaOkay.. wanna chat later?
spysure... we can talk on board as well
christinaOkay. Thanks!
spyalrighty. logging off then. nice chatting with you.

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