Saturday, May 31, 2014


may or may not post

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This morning I guess I was trying to talk about something others were thinking about but didn't do the best job.  I am interested in my problems, not so much.

Oh wow

So Ellen thinks it's important for Bella to feel good as well as herself.

Here's how it goes..

..Bella was a child actress and moved to an upper eschelan in some ways.

I was considered a #1, like Johnny Depp was really #1.  Then, comes along maybe I'm bad, and Bella isn't better.

What if..

..they praised Bella just to annoy you?  This is addressed in concerns of others affected, all this, I think.

Fine!  But why is it better than the affection the rest of us get?!!


Why does Bella get MORE than everyone?


So, they are using a real human as an example of getting affection from Ellen but no one else + it's not fun to watch.

Let Bygnoes Be Bygones

There's no reason that Bella is better than me so deserves Ellen.


There's no saying Bella Thorne is better than me and deserves Ellen more.  I am picking at her figure because I know she's being cheap saying I can't talk about how she's different from other people I like, to say I like more than 1 person.  Sorry, if me saying cheap even in that way bothered you, but just don't let it get to you.  You've said things about me.  I didn't do anything.


I wonder if Ellen thinks I'm corny.  I don't know why she doesn't accept me but accepts others as the top eschelan.  What if those people don't go there?


This time it was my dad.  I was in the kitchen eating, and I thought of something weird, like my eyelids twisting, and it was like it affected someone but couldn't have.  I felt slow.


If the last link didn't work, it's 2nd to last here: link.

Maybe this will be my haircut


Good Morning

I just figured out why I was unhappy about these younger people getting so much attention in certain ways.. I feel we're being stopped from feeling like we deserve affeciton cuza our age.  I'm not really picky.

Friday, May 30, 2014


Just had 2 burgers and am having juice and Italian ice.  It's so hard to get together what I need here.  The chicken is grossing me out more.  But I like wraps.


So, what, Tim Burton, is this the end?  What happened to the happy times??


My dad wants to cancel TV and our phone to save money and something else.  Do you think he's trying to "punish" me for pleasure?  We'll still get Ellen.  They've been trying to pry me off Ellen, too.  What wimps, they think other poeple wanna ultimately hurt me.  I can ask if a show I like is on, though.

Findinf Fault in Others

Are you setting traps to find fault in me?

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Why do -I- have the sudden downgrade in treatment?

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may or may not post

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Funny Feelings

People approaching me suggestively like they wanna think I'm bad so they feel good about themselves.

New Video of Me Talking


It's just a drive.

Let's talk about stuff.

Does it hurt you to see someone experience so much more pleasure but for no reason?

I'm not born in 1997, I was an adolescent.

A Lie

People born 10 years before 1997 are young enough to be like people born in 1997 are.  I realize it's not in the spirit of things.  It's just a fact, a simple fact.  I am like that, but I'm not a baby like that cuz I was still young in 1997.  Lotta kids have older parents between these years.


Maybe, you think Ellen is a trained robot, but I actually have to work to support myself as I have no one there for me.


Because I said m**********?  I thought adults used stuff.  I was gonna take it down when I felt it wasn't right.  Sometimes, I thought, you say stuff but not in a bad way.  Ellen is like a metal detector for this stuff.


You all have so much pleasure against me.

Will Not Accept

If it's not Ellen, I won't take anyone mad at my cursing cuz I didn't go out and use it against others starting the fight.


I didn't know Ellen DeGeneres would still be on this week.  Is it through the whole summer?

Why is she so mad at me?  That's worse than missing a show, isn't it?  No?  Just use people?  She lives a private, privileged life because she had good parents.  She doesn't let you change how she functions.  I feel she will never accept me in particular.

She thinks that maybe I curse and am bad and stuff.  She acts like it's bad, but she keeps on doing weird stuff.  (This might sound like a bad point for me to make.)

I guess the next thing is I'll hunt down people who made it happen.  I will not accept that I'm just bad and because I'm so stupid that people will not talk to me.  Ellen seems to not have to talk to anyone.  She makes up her mind, was privileged racially, and stuff.  She's not the same and is aging quickly.  I wanted to do my hair platinum and grow it out to my shoulders but not sure now.  I had been saying I'd dye it medium ash blonde and cut it short like a boy almost but not like in spikes nor with any crew shaving.


Why are people so scared about what others will say as an excuse not to be nice to someone?  They alwyas did that when I was a kid.

See, this post means something, too.  I was wondering what to post about socially, not just about my past and where I used to live..


I just did a whole lotta laundry.  I ironed a few things and washed and hung an overflowing load and now am washing things to dry.  Pretty clean.  Put the towels in the towel bin.

Apology and Problems

Sorry I was irrationally thinking, hard to do, but also I don't see why everyone like my dad and Ellen DeGeneres and mom are acting like I should be punished at my age and considering I was told I was so good before.  I hate Orlando, I know why.  Why me?


Good night, soon..  :(  Maybe, I'll try to get up again.

New Videos of Disney World

New Videos of Me @ Disney World FL

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Serious Question

Is posting a song on YouTube that's copyrighted some test like the opposite of drunk driving?

True, it sells the music for free.  A famous person could own the rights to sing whenever they want.

The issue stands that it's up to the karaoke company, cuz I found out techncially/physically.


It seems all Ellen has to say to me in secret messages is insults.  I mean, the messages I get from other people.  In real life, why should I bother going into that?  I was just wondering, isn't there anything else in life to do instead for her?  I seem to find other things to talk about and just right the wrongs.  I don't mean to bring anything new up but mention what already happens.  I know I can't go without mentioning Ellen's messages.

Oh, and my mom came in and gave me a message, as well.

I have proof that this wasn't like this before.  Nothing is at risk but for the other people than myself.

Ghost! Ghost!

A big black ghost, like the black Karen Carpenter ghost on my face.


I came out here to buy a small stuffed animal.

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Guess what?

I want to make a baby doll.

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I wanna be a holiday dancer @ Disney. Been throwing up like some days. Have to be 5 3.

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No Auld Lang Syne

Why is my friendship with my old younger by 2 months best friend broken up? Why dwell on my spamming help w/o answer? You know, we were friends with her family, literally?

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Teaching Students

He has nothing to teach and is not a young grasshopper.

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A Baby's Comfort??

My dad is not responsible @ his baby's comfort..

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Before Tim Burton, I functioned as a white person, only needed rest and a little basic taking me off a diet.

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Freaks of Nature

My dad is a self-harm freak--like most young people.. Some are just half asleep.

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Ya'll come out and tell the age of the parent that wants you to tell it. At least give your own? Or just participate in the discussion...?

My dad is born July 1950. I am 28.

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No Reverse Punishment for No Reason

No one should think I am bad cuz someone else was supposedly to make me look good or feel how they pretended I wanted.

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Getting All the Attention

So, just get mad if -I- get attention?

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No Competition

Do you just wanna say you're better? Lucky birth year, 1995-2000?

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In My Face?

If you wanna or know Ellen DeGeneres, do it in private or not in our face.

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How I Feel

Ellen feels Bella is the most Floridian at heart. Doesn't mean I don't like New Orleans.

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I'd hate to think the waste.. not my fault, just my responsibility.

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My teacher Ginny Kopf acted like I needed counseling.

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What does Bella deserve over me? She's just a famous person..

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Is Ellen doing all these mean things for something I did, cursing? I wasn't being mean.

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Mobile Later

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